2023 Commencement Address, Ken Okel, keynote motivational Speaker Miami Orlando FloridaWhile I have not been asked to deliver it, my 2023 commencement address is designed to help today’s graduates, as well as those who graduated in the past. Commencement addresses need to be a mix of congratulations, inspiration, and honest truths.

The concepts should be easy to remember and apply. It’s funny that in a society where information is at our fingertips, you may not hear words of wisdom very often.

While you may not hear many jokes or be dazzled by my extremely minor celebrity, I hope my 2023 commencement address will empower you in the years to come.

Keep Learning

I received this advice when I graduated and it’s probably even more important in today’s world. Things don’t stay the same for very long. You must understand and embrace the changes that will happen in your workplace.

It might be physical technology, artificial intelligence, or a practice, like working from home. These changes will become commonplace.

You don’t have to be an expert at everything. But you need to have an awareness, when it appears the change represents a new normal. Take personal and professional responsibility to learn more about new developments.

Remember Where You Came From

In any career, there are people who help you along the way. Don’t forget their contributions. Remember to thank them, even if it is years later.

Don’t know where they are or feel uncomfortable approaching them? Then just take a moment to think about them, thank them in your mind, and tell the story of their contributions.

Success is rarely achieved on your own. And sometimes career momentum starts from a few innocent words of encouragement or guidance, passed along at an otherwise ordinary networking event.

What’s Your Legacy?

It’s not too early to think about how you will be remembered professionally. Start creating your legacy today.

If you want to be remembered as someone who was smart, supportive, and inspiring, then start showcasing those qualities today.

Not sure how to start? Spend a few minutes thinking about the characteristics in others that make an impact with you. Then try to find ways to make them part of your daily routine.

Remember, you are the CEO of you. You can’t shortcut your way to a winning legacy but you can immediately start your journey. Walk the talk.

Celebrate Victories

In business, there are lots of days when things don’t go well. Many times, these are situations that are out of your control.

When things do go right, don’t shortchange these moments. During busy times, it’s easy to fast-forward through our achievements and minimize them.

While ever victory does not deserve a parade, give yourself the chance to feel good about what you’ve done. You’ll probably spend more time beating yourself up when things don’t go right. Make sure your professional satisfaction stays balanced.

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Ken Okel testimonials - motivational keynote speaker Orlando Miami Florida