Beware of 50 Cent Problems at Work, Ken Okel, Engaging Keynote Speaker Miami Orlando Florida50 cent problems at work can really harm your productivity and distract you from your big picture goals. While these issues are annoying, you may be giving them way too much attention.

You don’t have an unlimited amount of time to get things done. The faster you can identify these problems, the more time you’ll have for more important tasks. Let’s go through some of the challenges that come with these issues.

Can Your 50 Cent Problems Be Easily Fixed?

Some problems just need a quick solution. A squeaky chair may be solved with a spray of lubricant.

It can be easy to delay the solution because you’re busy. And yet, you still feel annoyed, every time your chair makes a noise. You’re allowing a small problem to have a big and ongoing impact.

The solution is in sight but the problem will not be solved until you take action. Then the issue is resolved. Quick action produces an ongoing solution.

Learn to quickly triage small problems and find solutions.

50 Cent Problems Produce Overreactions

Let’s say a picture on the wall is slightly askew. You move it back into place but it doesn’t stay there for long.

Should you spend a lot of time trying to fix the problem? For instance, you could rebuild the wall but that would be a greater response than the crooked picture likely deserves.

A better way could see you either rehang the picture or accept that it will be slightly off. Find the solution you can live with, that doesn’t take up a lot of your time.

50 Cent Problems Distract You From Other Things

What’s easier, trying to make a sales call or complaining about your phone cord becoming tangled? I understand that the cord is annoying but how much energy should you spend on this issue? And does the cord provide you with a convenient excuse to not do or delay other things?

It can be very tempting to fill your day with solving lots of 50 cent problems. Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of your other work.

Make sure you focus on major projects, even if you don’t love them or feel nervous doing them.

What should you do about these small problems? If you can’t quickly address them, then think about a time when things are slow around the office, like before a major holiday and set aside some time to address these annoying issues all at once.

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