Do your assumptions produce mistakes, Ken Okel, 2 minute takeaway podcast, episode 280

Do you make fast decisions based on your assumptions? While it can feel good to trust your gut, does your gut ever get it wrong?

Sometimes you may be missing a key piece of information or have never considered a different point of view. These assumptions can lead to costly mistakes.

In this week’s 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast, we’ll talk why it’s important to slow down this thought process. It all starts with a trip down a hill.

Want to spark your creativity? Try the Paper Hat Exercise:

Maybe it’s time to bring Ken Okel to your next meeting…

Ken Okel Testimonials, Ken Okel Professional Speaker in Florida, funny and informative speaker

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Stuck on Yellow, Book by Ken Okel, 26 Leadership tips, boost your productivity at work
The 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast is designed to give you quick tips that you can use on the job or in your business right away. It’s all about making you more effective and productive at work. Author and Productivity Expert, Ken Okel, believes that our path to success is not a straight line but rather an obstacle course. How you navigate your work life will determine your success. Why not subscribe on iTunes so you’ll never miss an episode.

Every week you’ll receive a quick tip designed to change the way you deal with challenges on the job. If you enjoy the 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast, then you might also enjoy Ken Okel’s YouTube channel at: While there you can check out clips of some of his professional speaking presentations and his famous paper hat team building exercise.

Ken Okel also speaks to smart leaders and audiences who want to improve their productivity, performance, and profitability. His productivity talks both entertain and give attendees actionable strategies that they can use as soon as they get back to their workplace.

Want to find out more about Ken Okel? Visit his website at or call him at 561-737-4321.