Ken Okel, convention speaker, Florida, Change, overcome obstacles, make more moneyYou Over Call: If you get someone?s business card and it contains multiple ways to contact them, then don?t use all of them at once.? It?s little like being stalked to have your landline, your cell phone, and your email all dialed up, minutes apart, with your messages.

Show the customers that you respect their privacy and are confident that they will get in touch with you.? One well crafted, well placed message accomplishes that.

You?re Afraid of Rejection: Too many sales people live in the present when it comes to building their customer base.? If they don?t sell to you right away, they forget about you. This is shortsighted behavior because a, ?no,? doesn?t mean, ?never.?

Sometimes for reasons you don?t know, the customer isn?t ready to buy from you yet.? But if you left a good impression, there?s a good chance they?ll dig out your business card or track you down when things change.? Use a good date base to keep track of those who didn?t become customers.? From time to time send them information that might help them.? This is not a sales pitch but merely a way to continue to reinforce your brand in a positive way.

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Ken Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando