Ken Okel, good news, Florida Convention speaker, change speaker, Osama Bin Laden, Royal Wedding, the power of good newsWhat does the death of a terrorist and a Royal Wedding have in common? They both represent something is often is in short supply: Good news.

During a roughly 72 hour period, the two world events dominated the news. The Royal Wedding represents pageantry, hope, and possibility. The death of Osama Bin Laden is more about relief, justice, and the strength of freedom.

Both events have given us a break from a steady stream of negative news.

Of course, the challenges we face haven’t gone away but for a few days, we can focus our attention on something else. Suddenly, difficult things seem more possible and perhaps the sharing of common experiences unites us a little more than usual.

Athletes have long understood the power of good news. Those who have struggled with a slump know that they can turn things around with just one break. While statistics may prove this to be nonsense, a positive development does have a psychological effect on people.

What does this mean for you? If you head up a team or an organization, don’t underestimate the power of good news. ?While you may not have a fairytale wedding or the long awaited death of a global scumbag to share, but is there something that represents, hope, achievement, and possibility in your organization? Too often, these golden nuggets are lost during the course of a busy day.

This isn’t designed to camouflage the bad news or the challenges you face. But as anyone who has ever hiked up a mountain knows, sometimes it’s good to stop for a moment and celebrate a climb.