Problem Solving Tip for Leaders, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker Orlando Miami FloridaA good problem solving tip for leaders sees them spend less time on issues that are allowed to linger. These little problems can add up and start to hurt your time management skills. Think of them like weeds on a beautiful golf course.

In this episode of our weekly productivity series, you’ll learn how by eliminating these problems, you’ll get an edge on the job, allowing you to focus more on your most important tasks.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • How are problems at work like weeds?
  • How can I spend less time on time consuming problems?
  • What can I do to be more productive at work?
  • What’s an easy way to improve my time management skills?

Video Transcript for Problem Solving Tip for Leaders

A good gardener knows you don’t water your weeds. At work, are you watering your weeds?

We know what weeds in the garden are like. They’re annoying, pesky little things that stick around longer than you thought. And work you’ve got your own set of weeds. They’re not necessarily green.

They’re that squeaky chair that you made to replace at some point in time. That copier that jams every other copy that you mean to get serviced. They are these little problems that you allowed to linger.

I’m asking that you consider addressing those problems because often, over time, we start to tolerate them. We live with them. We start noticing them.

But like a garden, weeds keep growing, they keep coming up. It makes things not look as nice as they should be.

Same thing happens at work. Those little problems they start to add up and they start to eat away at your time.

Suddenly, you’re getting used to spending ten extra minutes, unjamming a copier, instead of hitting a button and getting a copy. You’ve accepted that problem that weed in your workplace.

It’s time to put on your gardening gloves, address these problems, a get some of your productive time back. You’re spending too much time on silly stuff that doesn’t get you close to your goals. Weeds should be pulled.

About This Video Series

Ken Okel’s ongoing Employee Productivity video series will make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to understand, problem solving tip that you can use right away, like a problem solving tip for leaders.

Tired of a productivity problem, like why the details matter at work? Let us know and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit his video page.