Facing Stress at Work, Ken Okel, Keynote Motivational Speaker - Florida Miami OrlandoThe right mindset is a game changer for facing stress at work. It’s a decision about how you’ll handle problems, unexpected situations, and mistakes.

During my time as a TV News Reporter and Anchor, I saw the right and the wrong ways to handle the pressures of a fast-moving, high stress industry. In this episode of our Productivity at Work series, you’ll learn how the best don’t let chaos affect their performance.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • How can I better handle stress at work?
  • What can I do to reduce stress during busy time at work?
  • How can I improve my performance during stressful times?

Video Transcript for Your Mindset for Facing Stress at Work

When it comes to best practices, has your organization become a cover band? I like best practices. They help provide a roadmap for success. But sometimes, do they become a little dated?

Kind of like music. Cover bands bring popular music to life so we can all celebrate it. But let’s face it, A cover band is not creating it’s own music. It’s all about someone else’s work.

Sometimes the same thing can happen with best practices. There was an idea in the past, it worked well, everyone has adapted it. They’re all singing the same song.

But you have to think about Rockstars. A lot of them are rebels. And if you think about it, tomorrow’s best practices are going to be created by today’s rebels.

So think about if it’s time to branch out on your own, create some of your own organizational music, try some new things, and see how it goes.

You may hit the jackpot. You may decide the best practice is a good place to stay. But don’t stop making music.

Think about your future. Think about how you can create your own best practices.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his corporate and association keynote and breakout presentations, visit his video page.

Ken Okel Testimonials - Motivational Speaker Florida Orlando Miami