During the disruption of a global pandemic, some leaders may want to rethink their COVID19 employee communication. Updates and changes will likely need to be shared quickly. It’s important to have a process to make sure you’re passing on the right information at the right time.
Leaders may want to consider thinking of their employees more like customers, when it comes to communication. For years, businesses have used customer relationship management systems or CRMs to connect with them.
A well organized CRM allows a company to automate ongoing communication with a customer. They can range from action reminders to special offers that need to go out at certain time, like 15 days after a purchase.
The advantage to this kind of system is that important processes aren’t forgotten during busy times or as a business grows. For example, an employee could receive an alert from a CRM to make follow up calls to Joyce, Bob, and Tamara.
While you may not need to add your employees to your CRM, you may want to think more like a CRM when it comes to your COVID19 employee communication. Consider these tips for improving your process:
Have a Schedule
This is especially important if your employees are working remotely. Commit to a day and time when you will share general updates. Maybe it’s Monday at 10 a.m.
That way people will know when they can expect an update. Think of it like a nightly newscast. It’s predictable.
There may be a week when you have nothing new to share. Use the time to restate key points and share some words of encouragement.
And you’re still able to issue other urgent updates as they come up.
COVID19 Employee Communication Needs Q&A Followup
An employee may come to you with a question about future safety processes. You may not know the answer yet. Set up a reminder, in a specific time frame, like a week, to follow up on the question.
You may only be able to provide an update that says, “I don’t know,” but you’re saying something, rather than letting silence speak for you.
If one employee has a question, then others probably have the same question. You don’t want to spend valuable time answering it over and over, especially if you don’t know the answer. You’ll save time if you systematize your responses to these questions.
Repetition is Important
If there is a major change to your business due to COVID19, then make sure it is shared more than one time with employees. Also, it probably needs to be shared in multiple ways.
For instance, do you want people coming to work not knowing your new safety rules? Something like that needs a video conference call, an email, signage, and maybe even a phone call from a supervisor.
When it comes to safety, it’s okay to over communicate. As organizational disruption increases, so should reminders.