Create Your Success Bubble, Ken Okel, Motivational Leadership Speaker Orlando Florida MiamiDuring busy and challenging times at work, it’s smart to create your success bubble. This is a mindset that can keep you focused on the job and less stressed out after hours.

A bubble doesn’t remove you from tough situations but it provides a little protection from them. That may be all you need to keep a positive and productive mindset. Otherwise, you may become part of the chaos around you.

Consider these tips to help you build your success bubble:

Honor Your Priorities

You are clear on the most important things you need to do and give them the appropriate investment of time. That means you will say, “No thanks,” to some things. This focused effort gives you a path to success.

There’s always a chance external circumstances may force you to change your destination. That’s okay, as you’re still moving forward in a clear direction.

Clear Communication

During challenging times, clear communication becomes very important. If people don’t know what you want, then they’ll guess and there’s a good chance they’ll guess incorrectly.

Not sure if your priorities are clear? Explain them to someone and see if they understand what you mean. If there’s confusion, you probably need to refine your priorities before you share them with everyone.

You may also want to rehearse how you’ll say, “No,” to other opportunities or priorities that come up. A lot of new ideas may be landing on your desk and it’s smart to come up with a diplomatic review and possible rejection strategy for them.

It may not be fun to shoot down someone’s beloved idea but perhaps you can do it in such a way that leaves the door open in the future, while also asking that people mainly focus on your priorities.

Limit Distractions

If you’re not careful, distractions will limit your productivity and your potential. Researchers have found that even little interruptions can take a toll on your performance.

Come up with strategies that can help you focus without interruptions. This may involve having periods where you don’t check email or your phone. Some will physically move to a different space for more peace and quiet.

The strategy doesn’t have to be done all day. But even 20 or 30 minutes of focused time can make a difference in your overall performance.

Your Success Bubble Needs Discipline

You will face temptations. In our world, there’s a constant flow of information, new ideas, and offers. While one person may have experienced success with a certain tactic, it may not be the right fit for you.

And yet, you’ll be tempted to drop everything and change. In these moments, you need to show discipline and stick with your plan. Constantly changing directions makes it hard to get to a destination.

Find a Victory

Even if some days, it may feel like everything went wrong, find one thing that went right. That’s your victory for the day.

It can even be as simple as congratulating yourself for making it through a challenging day.

Busy times at work will come with lots of frustrations. But there’s n0 rule that you can’t take a moment to celebrate an achievement, however small it may be.

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