Leaders Should Stop Using These Excuses, Ken Okel, motivational keynote speaker Orlando Florida MiamiFrom bad customers to underperforming employees, leaders should stop using these excuses. Challenging days are part of business and leaders need to make sure they’re focused on the right things. Otherwise, you may limit your success.

You can easily spend your day moaning and groaning about problems and never get around to finding solutions. In this virtual presentation replay, motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel, will cover five excuses, leaders should stop using and better ways to address each issue. You will learn:

  • What you should be thinking about when your team consistently underperforms on the job;
  • What you should be doing immediately after your business has experienced some bad luck;
  • Why bad customers should produce either an attitude change or a marketing challenge;
  • How you may be surprisingly responsible for a lack of employee innovation in your organization;
  • Why the phrase, “I hate my job,” should be a call to action for frustrated leaders.

Let’s Make a Memorable Meeting

And Ken is no stranger to the world of virtual presenting. After all, he spent more than a decade in TV news, where you are presenting directly to a camera lens and have to connect to an audience you can’t see. Ken also believes an engaging and productive virtual presentation needs to be fast paced, include audience participation, and be customized to the organization.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages leaders with new ways to help meet the challenges of a changing workplace. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the videos page on his his website. When it comes to challenges, he’s been there, having worked in TV news, disaster relief, and professional ballet.

Ken Okel testimonials - motivational keynote speaker Orlando Miami Florida