Your Work Boundaries, Ken Okel, Keynote Speaker Orlando Florida MiamiIf you feel like constant interruptions are keeping you from getting important work done, then you should consider your work boundaries. These are little actions you can take to limit the impact of the distractions on your day. Think of them like little barriers, that give your productivity some extra protection.

Motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel, talks to audiences about ways you can easily improve your performance on the job. In this episode of our Quick Leadership Tips series, some of the things you will learn include:

  • How closing a door, for even short periods of time, can help you limit distractions;
  • The role humor can play in asking your coworkers to respect your productive time;
  • Why you may want to put your phone in silent mode and turn off your email notifications for a little while;
  • Why traditionally slower parts of the day may be the best time to focus on your most important work and are good times for your work boundaries;
  • How moving your physical location may help you avoid distractions and improve your productivity.

Let’s Make a Memorable Meeting

And Ken is no stranger to the world of virtual presenting. After all, he spent more than a decade in TV news, where you are presenting directly to a camera lens and have to connect to an audience you can’t see. Ken also believes an engaging and productive virtual presentation needs to be fast paced, include audience participation, and be customized to the organization.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages leaders with new ways to help meet the challenges of a changing workplace. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the videos page on his his website. When it comes to challenges, he’s been there, having worked in TV news, disaster relief, and professional ballet.

Ken Okel testimonials - motivational keynote speaker Orlando Miami Florida