Get Mentally Unstuck, Ken Okel, keynote motivational Speaker Miami Orlando FloridaWhen you need to get creative, it’s good to understand some ways to get mentally unstuck. Whether it’s fear, a deadline, or the need for some new ideas, researchers have found there can be many reasons why the brilliance you seek, feels out of reach.

What can you do to get unstuck and get your creative juices flowing? Recently, on LinkedIn, I held a poll on this topic. Here were the responses and the percentages they received:

  • Time for coffee or candy: 7%
  • Take a walk: 44%
  • Brainstorm with colleagues: 31%
  • Do something else: 18%

Let’s go through the choices and talk about how each one can help you get mentally unstuck at work.

Time for Coffee or Candy

Caffeine and sugar can change our physical state and that may help jumpstart your creativity. Some may argue the substances only provide a short-term fix. But it it works for you, then keep doing it.

It may be less about a sugar or caffeine rush but rather having a ritual that takes your mind off the problem. By taking a break, with something you enjoy, you give yourself a chance to reset your mind.

Take a Walk

A little bit of movement can be a great way to get unstuck. Maybe you take a walk outside for five minutes. Or you drop off something at the other side of the building. For me, simply moving less than 100 feet, around my home, can give me the flash of inspiration I need.

When you walk around, your heart starts beating a little faster and that change of physical state, may provide some inspiration. It can also unlock some tension you’re storing, as you’re concentrating on your problem.

Some leaders love walking meetings, where people discuss issues, on the move, rather than sitting.

Brainstorm With Colleagues

Is it possible you might be too close to a problem to think of a solution? Taking a few minutes to brainstorm or just talk out an issue, may help you generate some good ideas.

This doesn’t have to be a long process. Find someone you can approach and say, “Can you help me for about five minutes? I’m stumped.”

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. In marketing and advertising, new ideas are discussed with colleagues and later put to the test by focus groups. Different perspectives can be priceless.

Do Something Else

Sometimes your brain just needs a break. Spending more time on a problem may not help you make progress.

Find something else that you can do but don’t pick an equally challenging task. Maybe there’s a simple activity that can fill a few minutes.

During that time, your subconscious may be working on the issue. Suddenly, that flash of insight will come to you and you’re ready to climb the mental mountain that seemed so intimidating just a few minutes ago.

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