Ken Okel, handcuffs Keyboard, job stress, Florida Leadership speaker, Orlando Miami leadership speaker, get rid of negative thoughts, let go of stressDo you find that bad news or frustrating situations linger in your mind for longer than you’d like? It’s like you’re giving free rent to unpleasant thoughts, especially when you’re trying to fall to sleep.

Unfortunately, they throw you off your game. Your concentration isn’t sharp, you may make costly mistakes on the job, or snap at people who have done nothing wrong. It’s all due to not being able to let go of that little problem.

I can’t fix the problem but I can help you Clear the Path of that negative cycle. Feeling frustration, disappointment, or anger is normal. Carrying it around too long is unproductive.

As kids, our parents would give us reminders for things that were important for us to do. Brush your teeth, tie your shoes, and (perhaps even) check your zipper before leaving the bathroom. You’d hear this kind of advice so often that it would become learned behavior.

Let’s create a new habit designed to clear out some of that negative baggage. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, “What have I done today that I should laugh about?”

I’m sure there’s something that you did during the day that can make you laugh. Maybe you tripped on your own feet, cracked up at a silly joke, or had a slip of the tongue.

You can only hold so many thoughts in your head at once. By recreating a funny or self-depricating moment in your mind, you push aside some of the annoying stuff. Plus some self-deprication never hurt. None of us are perfect.

Like brushing your teeth, try this routine for 30 days before you evaluate it.