Car radio, clear the Path, Ken Okel, fear of change, stuck at work, relationships, set goals, Florida Leadership speaker, Professional Speaker in Miami OrlandoDo you ever wonder if you’re stuck in a rut? Whether it’s your personal or professional life, you’re not getting the results you want. What’s worse, you may not have realized that things have gotten even worse and you’re far away from your goals.

To Clear the Path of this challenge, I want you to think about a car radio. Have you ever been on a long trip and you suddenly notice something is different about your radio?

Maybe you’ve traveled so far that a different kind of station is coming in on that frequency. You were listening to classic rock and now are now hearing a program called, “Dial & Shop.”

Perhaps your CD ended miles ago and you didn’t realize that you’ve been sitting in silence.

Whatever happens you find yourself asking, “Why am I listening to this?”

The same thing can happen in your everyday life. For a moment you took your mind off your goal. Like the radio, the problem might easy to notice, if only you paid attention.

It’s easy to change the radio. It’s harder to fine tune a job or a relationship.

From time to time, it’s important to take a moment to assess where you’re at and where you want to end up. If things aren’t where you thought they’d be, then will you have the courage to change what you’re doing? Fear keeps many standing still, afraid to seek out a brighter future.

There’s a chance this process will tell you nothing more than that you’re on the right path. The key is taking that moment to check.

Doing nothing could have you singing the blues or unexpectedly listening to them.