For Immediate Release
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Ken Okel
Clear the Path

February 29 Gives Extra Day of Work to Unhappy Employees

It?s a double whammy for unhappy workers. Not only are they in the longest stretch between federal holidays, they?ve also got an extra day of work coming up.

?While many cheer the arrival of a leap year, it?s the curse of the calendar for people in stressful job situations,? says leadership expert, Ken Okel. ?The challenges we face 365 days a year don?t go away on February 29.?

Recently, a study from the journal, Occupational Medicine, found that the number of staff taking time off due to job stress increased by 25 per cent during our?economic downturn. Okel says there are three steps that people can take to survive the Leap Year Blues:

  • Stop allowing distractions on the job to turn you into a firefighter, unable to get any of your work done because you?re constantly dealing with other people?s problems/fires
  • Adopt a Love It/Or Shove It philosophy to those habits or procedures that you know you need to change but are too lazy or comfortable to do anything about
  • Don?t treat your coworkers like telemarketers or your customers like Rice Krispies

?There will always be challenges on the job,? says Okel. ?The key to success is realizing that your job has a lot more in common with an obstacle course, rather than a straight line.

Ken Okel is the host of the 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast and Pain Free Mondays. Ken is also the creator of The Whiner of the Week Award. He speaks to corporate audiences about how they can change the way they approach challenges. To find out more, visit
