stairs, Ken Okel, sales cycle, leadership speaker Miami Orlando Florida, make more sales, improve your customer service, follow your gut instinct You deserve more credit than you think for knowing when something is wrong and when it just doesn’t feel right. It’s a gut instinct we all share. You can’t turn it off. In fact, it’s something that could help your business.

Take for example, a staircase. In many places, the building codes says that there should be about 7.75 inches between them. It’s a somewhat random number that we don’t think much about.

But when you’re in an old building or a stadium, you may notice that something is off. The stairs are either two big or small. You step feels off and you may even feel like you could fall.

stairs, Ken Okel, sales cycle, leadership speaker Miami Orlando Florida, make more sales, improve your customer service, follow your gut instinctAll of this can be accomplished by changing the height of a step by just a little bit. A small adjustment can throw you off.

Now, think about your organization. Are you customers not buying like they used to? Perhaps there is something, “off” in your sales cycle.

To Clear the Path of this problem, refresh your sales process with your team. Why? Because it’s likely that people have gotten off that path. They’ve started to cut corners or improvise.

Some change can be good but it may change the sales experience in a negative way. Do you want people freelancing your business model? Then as a leader you need to pay attention to the steps of the sales cycle and make sure they are consistently being followed. Otherwise a symbolic change of just a few inches could be turning people off to your business.