Missing Kiss, Jumping to Conclusions, Ken Okel, Clear the PathEvery night the first thing a man does when he gets home is kiss his wife. Then one night he doesn’t.

Is this a sign that something is wrong in the marriage? Should we pass on the name of a good divorce attorney?

Or could this change in behavior be a product of some other factor? These could include:

  • The man has a cold and doesn’t want to pass on his germs to his wife;
  • The man arrived home before his wife;
  • The man has his arms full of surprise gifts for his wife and has to hide them before he can commence smooching.

None of these reasons are bad or suggest an unhealthy marriage. But so many of us interpret the initial situation negatively.

We see the exception to a pattern as being a bad sign. As a result, we’ve just created a classic case of jumping to conclusions.

Does this sound familiar? It’s not just what happens in made-up relationships. This kind of miscommunication is common in companies and they rob you of time and productivity.

People are betting your time and money that they know what’s going on. Guess what? It’s like trying to beat The House in Las Vegas. You’ll go broke if you bet on too many hunches.

In most cases, to Clear the Path to the truth, you only have to ask a question or two. Dig a little to find out what’s going on. Don’t rely on your perception of a situation to be the sole reality.

A question or two now will save you a lot of time wasted on misunderstandings.

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