Ken Okel, convention speaker, Florida, Miami, Orlando, Clear the Path, changeAs a child, I remember vacations to beaches where I challenged Mother Nature. I would build a sand castle (which actually was more like a mound of sand but you get the idea) right along the shoreline. As the waves would roll in, I would see if I had built it strong enough to overcome the water or be washed away.

Most of the time, the waves were more than a match for my youthful engineering skills. ?But I did learn that if you dug a trench around the castle, you could give it some additional protection. The same thing would happen if you’d put a up a wall. Over time my skills improved.

For me, the game wasn’t about the outcome but rather the challenge.

Nowadays, the word, challenge, fills many with fear. They see it as a synonym for failure. Somehow the idea of positive growth coming from something new has been lost.

You don’t get better by staying the same. Find a challenge in your life. Take it on, lose any ownership of the outcome, and see what happens.

In the coming days, I’ll share the story of recent challenge I embraced.

Ken Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando