Ken Okel, convention speaker, Miami, Orlando, Florida, change speaker, solve tough problems, challengesFaced with a tough challenge, it can be hard to imagine a solution. Over time the problem takes on a life of it’s own and it seems like you’ll never overcome it. ?Perhaps a sense of hopelessness rolls over you like a wave.

When this happens, think back to when you first learned how to put a jigsaw puzzle together. A box of 500 pieces can be very intimidating. Everything you need is in front of you but what should be your first move?

With the puzzle, you need to find the corner first and then build out the rest of the edges. Now you’ve given the chaos a framework that you can fill in. The same has applied to many of the world’s mysteries.

Ken Okel, convention speaker, Miami, Orlando, Florida, change speaker, Rosetta Stone, solving problemsFor hundreds of years, linguists were stumped when it came to trying to decipher the hieroglyphics of ancient Egyptian writing. They key was piece of stone that was carved in 196 BC and discovered by the French in 1799 AD.

Known as the Rosetta Stone it contained the same information in three different scripts. That helped crack the code of the ancient writing. One piece of a puzzle can change everything.

Now think of your problem. ?How can you find the corner? Can you give it a structure that allows you to gain confidence and figure out how you can pull it all together?