Where is my Fairy Tale Ending, Ken Okel, Productivity tips, Leadership speaker in Miami Orlando Florida, get more done at workIn your business, what would a fairy tale ending look like? A common mistake is thinking that such good fortune comes without you having to do any work.

But aren’t all fairy tales basically like hitting the jackpot? Not as much as you might think. Let’s turn the page to the story of Cinderella for some inspiration:

As you know, Cinderella was enduring some less than comfortable circumstances while living with her evil stepmother. Things started to get better when Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother appeared.

You may remember that Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother turns a horse into a coachman and a dog into a footman. A pumpkin is changed into a carriage. The fairy’s work doesn’t end there as she gives Cinderella a beautiful white gown with glass slippers. Suddenly, Cinderella had the ability to go the Ball, which gave her a chance to meet her Prince Charming.

But while the Fairy Godmother did all of these things to make Cinderella’s journey to the Ball possible, Cinderella had to make one important decision: She had to go to the Ball!

Despite all the help that she received, Cinderella had to take an active role in her future, despite the fact that the night’s events were all out of her comfort zone. She had an opportunity to do something special and she took it.

She didn’t say, “Thanks but I’m too tired today,” or “You know I’m not much of a Ball person, could you send me to another event?” or “There’s a lot of good stuff on TV tonight and I don’t want to miss Fairyland Idol.”

Some people can have a tremendous amount of support but when it comes time to take a big step and try something new, they fall short. Then they blame everyone else for their lack of success.

Imagine if Cinderella hadn’t gone to the Ball. Odds are at a later time, she would have seen the man of her dreams being married to someone else. And that would have given her a one way ticket to The City of Regrets, which is not a magical place.

Have you had your Cinderella moment or have you let it pass you by?

If you have the opportunity to experience something new and you have support from others, then you must pursue it. There’s always a chance for failure but the chance is considerably higher if you refuse to go to the Ball.

Here’s a tip you don’t want to miss out on: My new book that’s all about boosting your productivity. Pick up a copy for your and your team today.

Stuck on Yellow, Book by Ken Okel, 26 Leadership tips, boost your productivity at work