Ken Okel, convention speaker, florida, change, leadership, Stress, professional speakerI recently had to pick up some coffee for a board retreat.? I knew that Dunkin? Doughnuts sells a box of coffee, which is known as a?Box of Joe.?I then went to the company website to find out a little more about the product.? But then I hit pothole in the company?s half baked marketing efforts.

As far as I can tell, there is no mention of a?Box of Joe?on the website.? I can find out all sorts of information about coffee and other products but nothing about buying a box of coffee.? I wanted to find out the cost, how many cups I could get out of a box, and did it matter what type of coffee I could use to fill the box?? There?s no search bar on the website so I could look for the info that way either.? There?s nothing about a box of coffee on the,?For Businesses,?page.

Eventually by using a search engine, I was able to get some of my questions answered but none of the information came from the Dunkin? Doughnuts site.

In the end, this didn?t prevent me from buying the product but the experience didn?t represent memorable customer service.? In this case, convenience made me go to a store and make the purchase.

But what if this had been a big ticket item, something I couldn?t buy at a store, or a product was readily available from other businesses?? I doubt I would have followed through on the purchase.

You can have the most magical website in the world but if customers can?t find what they need, then it becomes a billboard of lost sales.

Ken Okel, stop crying in your Cubicle, workplace stress, convention speaker, change, professional speaker

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Ken Okel, stop crying in your Cubicle, workplace stress, change, professional speaker

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