ken okel, regrets, workplace communication, stop crying in your cubicle, job stress

Regrets can be like bringing a whole lot of checked luggage to a commercial airplane. The bags take up a lot of space and end up costing you a lot.?Only in this case, you’re not paying money but rather time. It’s time that you could be use to improve your personal or professional life. So often people complain about their lives being out of balance and often it’s due to the burdens we place upon ourselves.

It can be easy to become weighed down by regrets. While it’s good to review past mistakes, you can’t let the process become all consuming. You have to keep in mind that the past can’t be changed. The present and the future are another story.

Perhaps, holding onto the past is a way to punish yourself for something that you did which left you disappointed in yourself. But do you want to give the issue unlimited free parking in your brain?

I suggest these courses of action to help you move on:

  1. Develop amnesia like people do in the movies. While this may be hard to duplicate, a loss of memory in the cinematic world tends to improve a person’s overall character and their fashion sense as well.

  2. Review the situation, consider what you could do better, and move on. This involves forgiving yourself, which is often much harder than forgiving someone else. ?But it removes you from having to wait on something to happen, whether it’s a situation or a person telling you that you’re forgiven.

It can be easy to hold onto the past and sometimes it’s a crutch to prevent you from experiencing future (and sometimes frightening) growth. ?But it’s a choice that will limit your potential.

Ken Okel, stop crying in your Cubicle, workplace stress, change, professional speaker

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Ken Okel, stop crying in your Cubicle, workplace stress, change, professional speaker

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