overwhelmed by your email, Productivity Tips for Email, Ken OkelIf you feel like you are overwhelmed by your email, you’re not alone. It’s especially true on the job where an estimated 108 billion emails are sent every day. I now that sometimes it feels like you’re receiving every one of those emails!

For you and me, that averages out to 75 messages per day. Considered another way, that’s 75 interruptions. Most of them require some sort of response.

As a result, studies have found that you’re spending a quarter of your time at work on email. Is that the most productive use of your time?

In the video below, we talk about some strategies designed to help you regain some of the time you’re losing to email. The ideas are designed to be put into practice right away.

Email will continue to be a productive tool but how leaders use it can help unleash their productivity. Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by your email.

Maybe it’s time to bring Ken Okel to your next meeting…

Ken Okel Testimonials, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker in Miami Orlando Florida, productivity author and speaker

About Ken Okel

Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit: https://www.kenokel.com/videos/

If you like the way I think you also might enjoy Ken Okel’s YouTube channel. While there you can check out clips of some of his professional speaking presentations and his famous Paper Hat Team Building Exercise, which is a great way to improve employee engagement.

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