Ken Okel, clear the path, convention speaker, florida, workplace stress, turnoverIf you run a business or rely heavily on your staff, then you should be worried.? Deloitte had just released its annual Ethics and Workplace Survey. It found that a third of employees plan to find a new job when the economy improves.

Why would they look for greener pastures?? Of those who plan to leave, almost half say they?ve lost trust in their employer and 46% say the problem is a lack of clear communication from company leadership.

Why should you care?? The most conservative estimates say that it costs at least 30% of an employee?s annual compensation to replace him or her.? Are you prepared to let that money and experience walk out the door?

The challenges created by the recession are not going away anytime soon.? Increased stress, communication challenges, and new demands are the new norm.? But you can help them overcome the obstacles that are keeping them from success.? Need some guidance?? Click here.

Ken Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando