Availability The New Leadership Superpower, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker Orlando Miami FloridaAvailability is the new leadership superpower. In a world where talent may be equal, your performance is suddenly more important. For leaders it’s about being able to perform at a high level, whenever needed.

Gone are the days of coasting or mentally checking out on Friday afternoons. Here are some tips to make sure you’re performing consistently at a high level:

Your Health

The best athlete in the world isn’t worth much if he or she is injured all the time. Being available to play is a big part of the game. For you, this means staying on top of your health.

While you shouldn’t work when you are sick, are you taking steps to make sure you’re not missing a lot of work due to poor health. Whether it’s small steps or big adjustments, do you feel like your body can keep up with the demands of your position?

Don’t get frustrated if you’re not sure about the answer. There are tremendous resources out there if you’re willing to embrace some changes.

Mental Heath is a Leadership Superpower

You never know when a challenging situation may appear, so it’s good to be in the right state of mind. You don’t want to make big decisions, if you’re not able to focus.

If you’re carrying around a lot of frustration or are allowing distractions to run your day, then how can you expect to perform at a high level?

Whether it’s creating some boundaries in your schedule to protect your time or making sure you have activities, like meditation that can help you unwind, chose things that keep you mentally sharp and available in the moment.

When the unexpected happens, you want to be able to handle it well.

Get Enough Sleep

While this is related to health, sleep deserves its own category. Do you start your workday in a haze, until your second cup of coffee hits your bloodstream?

Whenever your day starts is when you need to be ready to perform. Remember, your bedroom is where you should wake up and not your office.

If getting enough sleep is a problem, try to go to bed earlier, unwind before bedtime, or talk to your doctor about other options.

Flexibility is a Leadership Superpower

Are you open to new ideas and able to adapt to unexpected situations? Change often demands an immediate response and you want to be available to rise to the occasion.

Being resistant to new ideas can leave you stuck, with few options, when bad news arrives unexpectedly.

You don’t have to be the only one who comes up with innovative solutions but you should be ready to consider them.

Final Thought

Taking a strategic approach to your availability on the job can see you consistently perform at your best. Greatness rarely happens by accident.

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