
May, 25 2022

Understand Workplace Skill Fade

By |2022-05-25T11:38:57+00:00May 25th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Understand Workplace Skill Fade

If your organization experiences a lot of change, then you need to understand workplace skill fade. This happens when someone is asked to perform a task, they haven't done for [...]

May, 23 2022

Leadership Communication Mistakes

By |2022-06-04T16:05:10+00:00May 23rd, 2022|Categories: Articles by Ken Okel|Tags: , |Comments Off on Leadership Communication Mistakes

During challenging times, you may start to commit more leadership communication mistakes. These are the moments when you need to be at the top of your game but fall short, [...]

May, 18 2022

Should You Outsource Work?

By |2022-02-07T13:55:54+00:00May 18th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Should You Outsource Work?

As your business grows, you may consider whether it makes sense to outsource work. An ever-expanding list of duties may overwhelm and distract your team. But when you outsource work, [...]

May, 11 2022

Great Resignation Hiring Strategies

By |2022-05-25T11:42:31+00:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Great Resignation Hiring Strategies

Effective leaders need to develop some Great Resignation hiring strategies. Even if you run the perfect organization, there's a good chance that you may need to fill some positions. Have [...]

May, 4 2022

The Three Step Improvement Plan

By |2022-02-03T18:46:53+00:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Three Step Improvement Plan

The three step improvement plan can help professionals raise their game on the job. Often, they have the skills to be successful but don't have the time to get everything [...]

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