
Oct, 28 2020

Successful Business Challenge

By |2020-09-24T18:29:19+00:00October 28th, 2020|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Successful Business Challenge

The successful business challenge sees leaders admit that past victories may not continue in the future. In order to stay competitive, they'll need to make some changes. This kind of [...]

Oct, 26 2020

Improving Your Skills at Work

By |2020-12-12T22:33:58+00:00October 26th, 2020|Categories: Articles by Ken Okel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Improving Your Skills at Work

Smart leaders understand the importance of improving your skills at work. This may involve learning something new or reminding yourself how to do something you once knew. It’s a trap [...]

Oct, 21 2020

Remember to Thank Your Employees

By |2020-10-21T15:30:32+00:00October 21st, 2020|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , |Comments Off on Remember to Thank Your Employees

During busy times, do you remember to thank your employees? This simple step can boost employee engagement and help refocus your team on your goals. There are many different ways [...]

Oct, 19 2020

Leadership Lesson: When the Pain Starts to Hurt

By |2020-10-20T21:44:44+00:00October 19th, 2020|Categories: Articles by Ken Okel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Leadership Lesson: When the Pain Starts to Hurt

In business, it’s important to remember that when the pain starts to hurt, you need to take action. While perhaps not physical pain, there’s a challenge that’s causing problems. You [...]

Oct, 12 2020

Organizational Agility During COVID-19

By |2020-10-14T18:34:57+00:00October 12th, 2020|Categories: Articles by Ken Okel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Organizational Agility During COVID-19

The ongoing business challenges of COVID-19 demand that leaders demonstrate organizational agility. What worked in the past may no longer be effective. Can you adapt, overcome, or just get to [...]

Oct, 7 2020

The Success Trap for Leaders

By |2020-09-05T19:08:51+00:00October 7th, 2020|Categories: 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Success Trap for Leaders

The success trap for leaders sees you spending too much time looking back at past victories and not enough at an uncertain future. It's easy to toast your successes but [...]

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