Complaints at Work
Out of control complaints at work can sabotage an otherwise great business. It’s a culture shift that may not be visible right away but will soon appear on your bottom [...]
Out of control complaints at work can sabotage an otherwise great business. It’s a culture shift that may not be visible right away but will soon appear on your bottom [...]
Working with others can present some challenges and sometimes you may need help with collaboration. You may be in charge of a project that depends on contributions from others. When [...]
Good employee training allows a business to function, at a high level, when there is an unexpected emergency. These challenges paralyze an organization, when an employee is absent for an [...]
A few career mistakes can undermine everything you’ve done professionally. In a video game, when you make a mistake, you can hit the reset button and try again. In business, [...]
Anyone can make a mistake on the job but do you know how to fix your mistake at work? Often, we tend to try to forget a problem as soon [...]
It’s important for your employees to know your top three priorities at work. That understanding will help them focus their time toward your goals, rather than guess what you need. [...]
The ability to be present at work represents an important career skill. By present, I don’t just mean being physically in a place. Rather, you’re focused on your most important [...]
While you may want to build employee motivation toward your goals, you need to make sure people understand the changes you need. Too often, strategic moves are poorly explained and [...]
Being able to create clear work instructions will save you time, money, and prevent frustration. Whether the instructions cover an internal process or a customer journey, it’s important people know [...]
In honor of episode 450, you're going to hear the story of Katie the Custodian. This is taken from one of my motivational keynote presentations. The story is about how [...]