How To Make A Good First Impression
In the time it takes you to read this, you could have made a bad first impression on someone. Studies have found that we made a positive or negative decision [...]
In the time it takes you to read this, you could have made a bad first impression on someone. Studies have found that we made a positive or negative decision [...]
Amateurish pitches hurt everyone's sales prospects. Cold calls are an important tool for companies getting their product or service into new markets. But when they are done wrong, you feel [...]
A neglected customer often becomes a former customer. Imagine that you see yourself in the mirror one morning and decide it is time to start going to a gym. You [...]
When it comes to increasing the productivity of your team, you need to stop thinking of people like they are balloons. This problem is often seen when busy team members [...]
With Thanksgiving and the end of the year fast approaching, I thought it would be good to talk about productivity turkeys. These are little problems that have a big impact [...]
My most asked question about email and productivity is all about how you change an email culture in an organization. Many agree that they receive a lot of emails every [...]
If you feel like you are overwhelmed by your email, you're not alone. It's especially true on the job where an estimated 108 billion emails are sent every day. I [...]
Do you remember the first time you learned about the power of teamwork? I'm guessing that you were probably pretty young. As a child you were used to people doing [...]
Your productivity suffers when you allow a little problem to continue to affect you. While these aren?t life or death issues, they can grow into behaviors that spill into other [...]
If you?re a leader, you probably wonder about how to prevent burnout in yourself and your team. It?s a goal but one that often gets forgotten during busy times. As [...]