Have You Become an Annoying Coworker?
Have you ever considered that the most annoying person in your office might be the one who stares at you in the mirror? If it's true, then you may want [...]
Have you ever considered that the most annoying person in your office might be the one who stares at you in the mirror? If it's true, then you may want [...]
A lot of people ask me for a quick leadership tip that can transform their business instantly. This is a tough request because most problems require careful thought and consideration. [...]
It is possible to play tennis with one ball but it's not very fun. You're going to spend a lot of time, walking around the court, picking up the ball [...]
If you're a leader, you know that annoying problems often demand a quick response. But is that response the best solution? I have flat feet and that means that I [...]
If you're a leader, you may find yourself running short of productive time because you're doing the equivalent of cutting your employee's food. It's a common trap. Go into any [...]
I'd ask you to raise your hand if you're addicted to work email but I imagine that many of you have your hands full with mobile devices, about to check [...]
It's not about the clothes. When faced with a tough decision, it's easy to embrace distractions. A distraction is like a life boat that gets you off a ship [...]
When you empower the clueless, you usually create a problem that will take a lot of time and energy to fix. Here's an example: Imagine that you're in charge of [...]
A convenient excuse can keep you from doing a lot of things you don't like but it can also be responsible for a lot of lost productivity. While convenient excuses [...]
You see a spark of excitement in the eyes of a high school student, who focuses on college much like how a hungry lion stares at a gazelle. The student [...]