Productivity: Don?t Blame the Wind
Does it scare you that your productivity may be influenced by things that are out of your control? How do you react when something unexpected happens? It may result in [...]
Does it scare you that your productivity may be influenced by things that are out of your control? How do you react when something unexpected happens? It may result in [...]
How much of your time do you spend, fixing mistakes that you inadvertently caused? Do all of the misunderstandings make you feel like you're living in the world of Downton [...]
You can have the best management team but if your meetings are lousy, then you may want to blame the room. The truth is that most meetings spaces are designed [...]
It's tempting at this time of year to make New Year's resolutions. The bad news is that you'll probably fail. A 2007 study by professor and psychologist, Richard Wiseman, found [...]
Some problems are the equivalent of a shot glass while others are more like mega gulps. Your challenge is to understand how to address each one. Too often, you approach [...]
While most business leaders understand the importance of having a "Plan B," they've never told their staff to have one. It's too bad because they are missing out on a [...]
A sneaky tree could give you a good lesson in productivity. It's probably a challenge that you face every day. In Florida, it's not uncommon to see a strangler fig. [...]
Recently I found myself in an electronics store and saw how good communication skills can either bridge a generation gap or widen it. I witnesses a woman, who must have [...]
The dirty little secret of success is that success usually produces a whole new set of problems. If you run a business, you need to be ready for the challenges [...]
Leadership is easy until you're faced with a challenge. Often, the actual challenge is not that important. But how you respond to it will define your success as a leader. [...]