Do Your Customers Hold Their Breath
You know the feeling. You enter a business with a customer service need and you feel yourself tensing up. Why? You?ve become so accustomed to a bad experience that you?re [...]
You know the feeling. You enter a business with a customer service need and you feel yourself tensing up. Why? You?ve become so accustomed to a bad experience that you?re [...]
On the job, you may need to change your perspective of success and failure. Sometimes you may be blamed for an unwinnable situation. To illustrate this point, let me take [...]
In a celebration of the obvious, a new Harris Interactive study has found that low pay is the top reason why employees say they are stressed on the job. I [...]
It's very likely that you're losing sleep over situations your customers don't care about. When I was in the TV News business, the big thing was making sure that your [...]
Two unexpected situations, two different outcomes. The first saw me assaulted by a jar of chunky peanut butter. The attack happened as I was leaving a grocery store. I had [...]
When was the last time you had a great idea while you were super busy? Creativity doesn't flow when we are juggling multiple tasks. And yet we invite constant activity [...]
Many bad business decisions can be traced back to one phrase: The Speed of Enthusiasm. This happens when people get so excited about a new idea that they immediately act [...]
Did you know that Superman had a boss? Perry White, Editor of The Daily Planet newspaper, was Clark Kent?s boss. We know that Superman and Clark Kent were the same [...]
Sometimes you can be so close to a problem that you don't realize that you have a problem. Several months ago, I was left frustrated by a solicitation letter I [...]
You may think that I've been replaced by a Pod Person. I'm the guy, who while editing a video, will obsess over changes that will barely be perceptible to the [...]