Change your work culture, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker Orlando Miami FloridaIt is possible to change your work culture, even if your organization has become toxic. It’s all about creating a bubble, where you and others decide to conduct yourselves in a different way.

This strategy can not only help you weather the storm of bad attitudes but can also keep you focused on moving elsewhere in your career. Let’s make sure you don’t feel stuck and upset at work in this episode of our Productivity at Work series.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • What can you to to change your work culture?
  • How do you change a toxic work culture?
  • What is a work culture bubble?
  • As a leader, how can you improve work culture?

Video Transcript for Change Your Work Culture

How do you build a positive culture with your team, when the organization has a toxic culture? Sometimes an organization has just turned toxic. It may be a leadership problem. There may be outside factors but basically people don’t like working where they are anymore.

You can’t necessarily leave and you feel like you’re stuck. Well, as a leader, what can you do for your team?

I believe it is possible to create a culture within a culture. Just because other people in the organization are acting rude, aren’t helping out, and doing other things that make you feel burned out, you don’t have to conduct yourself that way.

I think it’s good to get your team together in a meeting and talk about the values that they have. What they would like to see in their workplace.

And create that culture, where you’re able to make almost like a bubble. People are going to treat each other with respect on your team. People are going to communicate to one another. They’re going to help each other out.

These are the values you want everyone to embrace. They’ve got to buy in hand. And it may be difficult when everything else around you is rude and negative.

But give it a try because sometimes that bubble provides an opportunity to learn, grow, and perhaps down the road, leave for a better situation.

Don’t let that negativity overwhelm you. Create the culture that you want to experience today.

About This Video Series

Ken Okel’s ongoing Employee Productivity video series will make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to understand tip that you can use right away.

Got a productivity challenge? Let us know and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit his video page.

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