Ken Okel, pothole, Business lessons from potholes, change speaker Miami Orlando, Florida Keynote speaker, convention speaker, bring change to your businessIf you drive along a familiar stretch of road enough times, then you’ll likely start to ignore things. Little changes happen over time. The fact that the change is gradual makes it harder to notice.

Potholes, worn out lane markers, and crumbling curbs are signs of an aging street. But you’ll get used to the bumps and other problems.

That is until the road is repaved and repaired. Suddenly, you’ll notice a much smoother ride and feel like it’s much easier to get around town. It’s at that moment that you’ll realize how bad things had gotten and how much better they now are.

This scenario plays out in companies every day. Old polices don’t produce the results they used to, employees have lost some of their passion, and customer area have become a bit worn.

You may not notice these changes because they happen slowly. But don’t expect the marketplace to be sympathetic.

Change is a necessary part of the game. Are you paying attention to the potholes in your organization? Clear the path of the stuff that no longer works for you.

Ken Okel, blog, Florida Keynote speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, Florida keynote convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando