COVID-19 Business Challenge, Ken Okel, virtual keynote speaker, FloridaThe COVID-19 business challenge may see you have to adjust your services or offerings. Suddenly, the rules have changed for your business and you need to adapt. There’s no choice, you have to change.

A word I hear a lot about this process is, “pivot,” as in “You need to pivot your business.”

In this scenario, pivot implies a sudden turn, much like an athlete might make while performing a mind-boggling move. And often, it’s mentioned in a simplistic way that may not take into account the challenges of the shift.

May I suggest that you view your COVID-19 business challenge more like a dance. Specifically, like learning a new dance. Let’s talk about how you can view this business transition in a new way.

Some are Natural Dancers

For some, learning a new dance is effortless. They have natural talent in that area and can quickly pick up the steps.

For others, it’s a struggle. They may feel like they have two left feet.

Certain industries can pick up the dance of COVID-19 changes with ease. Other leaders are scratching their heads, trying to figure out how make it work.

Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t figured it all out right away. Also, realize some employees may take longer to adjust to a new normal.

Find a the Right Teacher

You may need outside help to provide guidance during the transition to a new way of doing business. The perspective of a consultant can be very valuable.

In dance, the right teacher or instructor, can cut your learning curve. But not all teachers are the same. Some may work better with advanced dancers, where others excel with people first learning how to dance.

Make sure there’s a good match between the needs of your organization and the people you hire to guide you through change.

Practice Makes You Better

Even the best dancers need to practice routines to make them great. While they may pick up new steps quickly, they still need to go over them until the moves can be performed without thought.

In your organization, from the top down, you may need to give people opportunities to practice new policies and processes. Restating key points and providing refresher opportunities should be viewed as part of this practice.

It’s not easy to change, especially if there was nothing wrong with your old way of doing things. But in a world of COVID-19, the challenge becomes embracing, overnight, a new business model.

Remember, a change can happen quickly but mastery takes time.

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