Without Balance We Start to Overflow, Ken Okel Professional Speaker in Florida, Productivity ExpertDuring busy times, like the holidays, it’s important to maintain balance in our lives. While more responsibilities or duties may be par for the course, there are ways to prepare for these busy times.

I’m reminded of a water sculpture I enjoy watching in a Japanese garden. It features two pieces of bamboo. One has water pouring out of it.

It slowly fill a larger piece of bamboo that is only open on one end. The middle of this piece is is attached to a hinge and starts at a 45 degree angle.

As the bamboo fills with water, it slowly starts to tilt toward the ground. At a certain point, the weight of the water is greater than the ability of the bamboo to stay upright. It tips over, all of the water splashes out, and the now empty bamboo tube snaps back to its original position. Balance is restored.

Think of the water like accumulated stress and tension. Eventually, we have to dump it all out and reset ourselves. Without that ability to monitor yourself and make changes, you’ll just overflow with the qualities that hold you back.

The big piece of bamboo would just become a fountain, if all it could do was hold water. It would be reduced to one state.

On the job it’s tempting to continue to fill ourselves with tasks and responsibilities. Over time, they can change us.

You feel like if you add more thing to your day, you’ll be able to get more done. While this can work in the short term, you can end up so full that you open the door to burnout and decreased productivity.

Find ways to give yourself a chance to reset yourself, like the bamboo.

Work will always be busy but will a five minute break in the middle of a pressure packed day ruin anything? Taking a larger step toward balance, can you pledge that on certain days, you will not stay late or check your email during off hours?

Allowing yourself these moments is not a sign of weakness. You’re actually making a smart investment in your long term productivity.

Stuck on Yellow, Book by Ken Okel, 26 Leadership tips, boost your productivity at work