If you feel overwhelmed by something new on the job, then you should find your change guide. This is a fellow professional who has been in your shoes and understands your challenge. It could be a new product, customer service process, or even something like dealing with the Great Resignation.
They can help you with your big questions or that little nagging thought about something new that you’re trying at work. Don’t suffer in silence, unsure about the future.
Motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel, talks to audiences about ways you can easily improve your performance on the job and giving yourself a change buddy, while you try something new, is invaluable. In this episode of our Quick Leadership Tips series, some of the things you will learn include:
1. Why you should identify some peers who can be reached by a phone call, email, or video chat;
2. Why you shouldn’t suffer in silence over a challenging situation at work, as someone else has probably been there before you;
3. Why you should look to return the favor to your change guide, as part of a reciprocal business relationship.
Let’s Make a Memorable Meeting
And Ken is no stranger to the world of virtual presenting. After all, he spent more than a decade in TV news, where you are presenting directly to a camera lens and have to connect to an audience you can’t see. Ken also believes an engaging and productive virtual presentation needs to be fast paced, include audience participation, and be customized to the organization.
About Ken Okel
As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages leaders with new ways to help meet the challenges of a changing workplace. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit the videos page on his his website. When it comes to challenges, he’s been there, having worked in TV news, disaster relief, and professional ballet.