Getting Back to a Routine at Work, Ken Okel, Florida Speakers AssociationDuring busy times, do you struggle with getting back to your work routine? This routine sees you in your comfort zone at work and it allows you to be at your most productive.

In this episode of our Employee Productivity series, you’ll learn some strategies designed to help you maintain your work routine, especially during those times when extra demands are placed on you.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • What are ways for getting back to your work routine?
  • How to stay in your comfort zone during busy times at work?
  • How do you prioritize your activities at work?
  • What can you do to make sure you keep doing your most productive tasks?

Video Transcript for Getting Back to Your Work Routine

You’ve got a great routine at work but what happens when things throw you off that routine? Most productive people follow some sort of routine that allows them to perform at their best, keep their productivity nice and high. We know though, on the job, there can be a lot of curveballs, a lot of distractions, things that knock you off that routine.

How do you ensure that your productivity stays high when you’re kind of out of your comfort zone? First thing I suggest, think about your day. What are those top activities that you do? Not everything is a top activity. Understand that. That’s an important point.

When you’re able to identify those important tasks, if suddenly something takes 30% of your time away, you can realize, “Hey, I’ve got to attend to these top tasks. The other things can wait.”

Often the problem is we try to do everything and it doesn’t work or things don’t get done, especially important things.

Sometimes you have to find creative solutions to keep you on your routine. For instance, I know an executive who likes to take take walks during his lunch break. For him, it’s a way to settle his mind, do a little bit of thinking without thinking, if you know what I mean.

Sometimes, he has to attend lunch meetings. That means he can’t go for a walk. What he’ll do is, later on, he will check his email and his phone messages while walking around. So he’s able to still do work but still get in the walk.

Is there way that you can kind of combine things to make up for when your routine is disrupted. When you get off your routine, it’s kind of like a diet, where you’re really committed to it, then something happens that knocks you off it, and it takes you a long time to get back to it or you never get back to it.

When there’s a disruption, really see if you can reset things, go back to the routine that you have, go back to those things that have made you successful.

We all know things are going to come up. There’s going to be busier times than normal, extraordinary demands placed on you. But if you have a good way of doing things that have made you successful, don’t abandon it.

About This Video Series

Ken Okel’s ongoing Employee Productivity video series will make you more effective on the job. Every week, you’ll learn a new, easy to understand, problem solving tip that you can use right away, like communication tips for leaders.

Tired of a productivity problem, like undefined work life boundaries? Let us know and we’ll feature it in an upcoming episode.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit his video page.