People are willing to pay for a sure thing. I saw this many times when I worked in the TV news business.

After interviewing someone for the news, the person would ask how they could get a copy of the story. I would tell them when it would be airing. Then they would ask me a question that surprised me:

“Can I buy a copy of the story?”

I would say that the station did sell recordings but getting a copy would cost more than $25.

“It’s the exact same story that is going to be shown on the air,” I’d say. “Why not just record it yourself?”

“I don’t know how to work my VCR (yes, I’m dating myself),” would be the response.

To me it seemed a waste of money to pay that much for a 90 second story, when you could get it for free. There was not any difference in quality. In fact, some notoriously cheap stations would reuse old video tapes, when filling the order, so the video quality might be slightly washed out.

I’d urge the people to see if they could have a friend or a neighbor try to help them program the VCR. Still, they would pay, confident that they had made a good investment. They were buying convenience and certainty. Even for those with low incomes, they were willing to pay for something they didn’t want to do.

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Stuck on Yellow, Book by Ken Okel, 26 Leadership tips, boost your productivity at work

Ken Okel speaks to smart leaders and audiences who want to improve their productivity, performance, and profitability. His productivity talks both entertain and give attendees actionable strategies that they can use as soon as they get back to their workplace.

Want to find out more about Ken Okel? Visit his website at or call him at 561-737-4321. You may also enjoy Ken Okel’s YouTube channel at: While there you can check out clips of some of his professional speaking presentations and his famous paper hat team building exercise.