Ken Okel, convention speaker, office kitchen fights, arguments on the job, workplaces stress

Many employees get the most emotional about their organizations when it comes to complaining about the company kitchen.? It?s not a matter of microwaves but rather having to deal with coworkers who don?t clean up after themselves.? It produces signs (Your mother doesn?t work here), nasty emails (This is your absolute final warning...), and threats to throw out your long forgotten leftovers and salad dressings.? Before long coworkers start spending a lot of time talking about each others shortcomings in the kitchen.

What?s wrong with this?? When your team is focused on an emotional issue like this, are they keeping your big picture goals in mind? ?Is teamwork built over refrigerator shelf space disputes?

At a time when companies are looking for new ways to boost productivity, the first place to start might be the employee kitchen.? Create a better cleaning process, find solution to the disputes, or close the kitchen.? Otherwise, you?re welcoming a time eating distraction into your organization.

Ken Okel, blue chip leadership, workplace stress, change, professional speaker

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Ken Okel, Blue Chip Leadership, workplace stress, convention speaker, change, professional speaker

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