Improving Your Virtual Team Huddles, 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast, Ken Okel, motivational keynote speaker Orlando Miami FloridaVirtual team huddles now represent the new way leaders quickly connect with employees. In the past, you’d gather everyone around a table to go over daily projects and priorities.

Now, the coronavirus has changed that communication process. To maintain high performance and prevent mistakes you need to adapt. Start with the five tips I recently shared during a virtual presentation. Hear them in this week’s The 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast.

Here’s the link to the video, which goes to the funny hat I mention:

About Ken Okel

As a Motivational Keynote Speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his keynote and workshop presentations, visit: And sometimes he leads groups in his paper hat exercise, a great way to learn about how your react to an unexpected challenge. More than a meeting…it’s an experience.

The 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast

The 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast gives you quick leadership tips that you can use on the job or in your business right away. It’s all about making you more effective and productive, and teaching you how to get more done at work, or how to improve your virtual team huddles.

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you’ll never miss an episode of this podcast. Every week you’ll receive a quick tip designed to change the way you deal with challenges on the job. If you enjoy the 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast, subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Just click the image below.

Subscribe to the 2 Minute Takeaway Podcast with Ken Okel

If you like the way Ken thinks you also might enjoy his YouTube channel. While there you can check out clips of some of his professional speaking presentations and his famous Paper Hat team building exercise, which is a great way to improve employee engagement.

And Ken does do virtual presentations.

Want to Perform Better at Work? Check out these Articles:

Ken Okel Testimonials - Motivational Speaker Florida Orlando Miami