Ken Okel, Do you shoes squeak, leadership and decisions, Leadership speaker Florida Miami Orlando, hiding a problem, squeaky shoesIf you’re a leader, you know that annoying problems often demand a quick response. But is that response the best solution?

I have flat feet and that means that I have to wear orthotics. Most of the time, the shoe inserts cause no problem. But every once in a while, they made a squeaking sound in my shoes.

In most places, there is too much ambient noise to notice. I learned it?s a different story at the public library. I’ll be looking through the shelves and I realize that the annoying sound I keep hearing is from me. I can tell that other people can hear it as well but I don?t think they?ve identified me as the source.

At this point in time, I have to make a choice. I can keep walking, keep squeaking, and have people think I?m some sort of toy. Or I can stand on my toes, which prevents the noise. Of course, I?ll look weird walking around like this and might strain a leg muscle. In my mind, it seems better than being a human noisemaker.

Through it all, I never thought of a potentially smarter solution. What if I had sat down and removed the orthotics from my shoes. No more squeaking and no more walking around on my toes.

There is a downside in that my feet won’t have any arch support but for a short amount of time, that’s a good trade.

Decisions that are made quickly or are made to prevent a stressful situation are not always good ones. Before you act, consider these steps:

  • Pull your ego out of the situation. Are people seeing that you have squeaking shoes (or a different problem) that big of a deal? We tend to magnify certain challenges in our minds.
  • What would you tell someone else? Follow that advice, even if it’s different than from what you would normally do.
  • Get outside opinions. This is where new solutions live. You likely won’t find them on your own because you’re too close to the situation.

In my book, Stuck on Yellow: Stop Stalling, Get Serious, and Unleash Your Productivity, I talk about some other leadership challenges in Chapter U: The Uphill Climb. Pick up a copy for you and your team at