Obsess Much, Leadership tips, Ken Okel, perfection takes too long, time management, Florida Professional speaker, Miami OrlandoYou may think that I’ve been replaced by a Pod Person. I’m the guy, who while editing a video, will obsess over changes that will barely be perceptible to the human eye. I’m the one who who tells companies that they need to sweat the small details. And I’ve been known to not get into my bed until I hit my daily step count on my pedometer.

So it may come as a surprise that I’ve come to a realization: Perfect takes too long.

Perfection is a good goal. You should aim to get everything just right. But this level of attention takes a lot of time. To try to sustain an across the board level of perfection can monopolize your life. Then you’ll realize that the path to perfection also takes you down Burnout Lane.

Pretty good can be a good substitute for perfect. It takes less time and gives you more time to pursue other goals.

You sometimes see people use the pursuit of a perfection as an excuse to not do things. It can delay you from reaching your goals. For instance, many authors learn that a pretty good novel can be published. A perfect one can sit on a computer for years.

Things can always be improved. But to Clear the Path to a more productive and emotionally stable future, you need to accept that sometimes a good effort is your best effort. A perfect outcome is rare.