Tips for Leading During Challenging Times, Ken Okel, Motivational Leadership Speaker, Orlando Florida MiamiWhen faced with leading during challenging times, it’s very important to maintain a higher level of focus and discipline. Undoubtedly, you will be facing a lot of tough choices and opportunities.

In these moments, you need to perform at a consistently high level. The bad news is there will always be new challenges. The good news is you can take a strategic approach to handling them that will serve you now and in the future.

To make the best decisions during pressure packed days, consider these four tips:

What’s the Biggest Need?

As a leader, you may feel like you are facing an all you can eat buffet of choices. If you spend too much time on the wrong things, then you’ll struggle to make progress.

Decide what is the problem that requires the most time. This may be the most pressing need or the one that generates the most immediate revenue.

You may want to discuss this matter with your team but once you’ve made your choice, you move forward. Too much talk can become a stall tactic. Don’t get stuck in endless debates or the search for the perfect option.

Where is Your Attention?

You know your big need and now you need to address it with an action plan. This may mean reallocating employees and resources. It’s hard to achieve success, if you don’t prioritize your big need.

Some projects may need to be placed on hold. While this is an extreme case, you don’t want to spend a lot of time planning a holiday party, in March, if you’re not sure if the business will exist in December.

Time is a precious resource and you need to use it wisely.

Let Go of Some Stuff

During stressful times, it’s not unusual to find yourself bothered by a lot of little things. Normally, you wouldn’t mind if someone had 12 items in the 10 item or less lane at the grocery store. But when you add stress, these little annoyances start bouncing around and growing in your mind.

These things bother you a lot and you find yourself thinking about them more and more, at the expense of more pressing needs. While it may be obvious, researchers confirm the pandemic has increased our stress levels.

You need to let go or ignore these little annoyances. Your attention needs to be invested elsewhere. In your business, this may mean you relax certain policies or deal with them at a later time.

If something doesn’t support your biggest need right now, then you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on it. Leading during challenging times demands a more narrow focus on the things that matter the most.

Find the Little Victories

At a time, when bad news or unexpected challenges announce themselves on a regular basis, you need to look for some victories.

While these may be small, they should not be ignored. They can provide a sense of accomplishment and create momentum for your team.

Don’t forget to celebrate those times when things go right.

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