Making Smart Decisions, Ken Okel, Motivational Speaker Orlando Miami Florida
When it comes to making smart decisions, you may want to spend more time thinking about your options. Sometimes a choice is easy but how you get it done makes a big difference.

Let’s consider what appears to be a simple decision, like parking your car. There are actually a lot of different ways you can do it and drivers tend to fall into one of several groups:

  • They want to park as close to the destination as possible.
  • Some will park further away, so they’ll burn some extra calories through walking.
  • Others will park further away because they want their car to be isolated and safe from dents and scratches caused by careless drivers.
  • When it comes to an event, some will park as close to the exit as possible, because when everyone leaves at once, they’ll be in the right place.
  • And in warmer climates, people cherish parking spots that have shade, no matter the location.

All of these people are parking a car but they’re using strategy that determines different outcomes, like convenience, health, and safety. It’s a higher level of evaluation that does require an extra step.

Is it worth the extra time? I’ve found the process helps you discover better options.

Making Smart Decisions Process

Before making a decision, consider these questions:

  • What’s the action you want to take?
  • Are there better options for the choice?
  • What are the benefits or cost (time or money) of each?
  • How will you communicate them to others so they’ll buy into your choice.

Most people make daily decisions like they’re mindlessly parking a car. Often, that’s fine but they may be missing out on opportunities.

Take the time to consider your options. Making smart decisions pays high dividends on your investment.

Make the Most of Your New Year with Ken Okel

Ken Okel Testimonials - Motivational Speaker Florida Orlando Miami