Managing Problem Solvers, Ken Okel, Professional Speaker, Miami Orlando FloridaUnderstanding the importance of managing your problem solvers can make you a much more effective leader. You’re getting the most out of your employees who like to improve things.

These problem solvers think a little differently and it’s smart to support them the right way, so they don’t become disillusioned. Find out this tip and more in the latest episode of our Productivity at Work series.

What Productivity Questions Does This Video Answer?

  • What’s the best approach for managing your problem solvers?
  • Should you treat problem solvers differently?
  • What boundaries should you give your problem solvers?
  • How do you make sure everyone buys into your project?

Video Transcript for Managing Your Problem Solvers

Let’s talk about how you can best support the problem solvers in your organization. Every good organization has its problem solvers. These are the people who like to solve problems. They like puzzles. They’re great at finding better ways to do things.

So when a challenge comes up, you turn to them to find a solution. However, they think a little differently than other people. And sometimes you have to supervise them in a slightly different way.

Here are three tips to help you maximize the problem solvers in your organization:

First, make sure that they have some boundaries. This could involve a boundary of time, how long they have to get the work done. Also, a boundary in terms of the scope of the solution.

For instance, there might be a leaky faucet in a bathroom. You ask a problem solver to come up with some options. They might take things a few steps too far. They might be like the best solution is to rebuild the bathroom or build another bathroom or elsewhere in the building.

That’s not exactly what you need. So you want to make sure you give them some focus.

Next, if they are part of a committee. Make sure that everyone on the committee understands the urgency and the importance of the problem. The problem solver, that person will get it right from the start.

Some of the other people there, they may not be like that. They may be wired a little differently. They may need a gentle push to understand the urgency.

It’s important to make sure that everyone on the committee matches the problem solvers level of enthusiasm, for finding a solution.

Final thing. Make sure that the problem solver gives you a next step. This can be very useful again in making sure the scope of the problem solving, is focused. You don’t want them feeling like they had to keep looking for one more solution or one more good idea, give them the opportunity to provide a next step. That can limit how far they’ll imagine a potential solution.

Problem solvers are great for an organization. Make sure you maximize what they can offer you.

About Ken Okel

As a motivational keynote speaker, Ken Okel works with leaders and organizations to boost productivity, performance, and profits. At conferences, conventions, and company meetings, he engages audiences with new ways to maximize their time at work. To see a sample of his corporate and association keynote and breakout presentations, visit his video page.

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