Ken Okel, Florida Keynote Speaker, commencement speech, plan for your future, high school graduate, college graduate, you've got your degree now what, plan for your futureWhile no institution of higher learning has yet offered me the opportunity to deliver my commencement speech, I still feel I have some good information to share with this year’s graduates. (If you’d like to hear a recording of the talk, click Ken Okel’s Commencement Speech.)

Often the sexy choice for a commencement speech is an entrepreneur who’s made millions, someone who’s overcome a hardship, or some combination of both. I may not fit that mold but I do know a lot about change and today’s graduates are entering a world that’s dramatically different from the one experienced by most graduation speakers.

In honor of the college staple, Ramen Noodles, I’m presenting the information in a dehydrated form. No watered down introductions or long applause breaks. For those who prefer this address in audio form, click play in the box below.

As an adult you can do anything but you’ll get away with less: For perhaps the first time, you have total control of your life. But each choice that you make carries consequences and can limit future opportunities. Choose wisely. Your days of getting a do over or having learning experiences are probably over.

Start writing your legacy: If you’re unsure about the kind of life you want to live, start writing your obituary. Work backwards from that idealized version of yourself.

Surround yourself with good people: Friends tend to either lift you up or drag you down. Keep those close to you who support and inspire you. Some friends are like old shoes. While you can still wear them, they don’t really fit anymore. In life you’ll say hello and goodbye to a lot of people so don’t feel bad about cutting ties with someone who does not match your goals anymore.

Clothes Matter: As a student you could get away with wearing an oversized sweatshirt grabbed off the floor. Your frumpy days are over. Assemble a wardrobe that tells people who you are and what you want to be (especially on the job). This doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Dressing better than expected will score a lot of points with people.

Who owns you: Get rid of any debt you have. Owing money limits your options in life. Fights over money also end a lot of marriages.

Are you watching TV or is the TV watching you give up your dreams: There’s a lot of stuff to watch but not all of it is good. As a student, you probably turned to TV as a study break. Many adults use it as a substitute for doing anything with their lives. Think of it like this: Are you okay with watching reality TV where someone else gets to live his or her dreams while yours are unrealized?

Some people are jerks: Not all adults play well with others. Avoid these people if you can or tolerate them. Most of all, don’t let thinking about them take up too much real estate in your brain. Remember: Bad behavior is usually a cry for help.

Get a push cart with wheels: Throughout your life you will need to move stuff. Having an easy way to get it from Point A to Point B will take a lot of strain off your back and your knees. It’s also a good way to meet people who don’t have a wheeled cart.

Be your boss: Your employer is not your father or mother and will not look after you for your whole life. Think of yourself as the CEO of You Inc. Your employer is your best customer. Serve the organization well but remember it never hurts to have an updated resume ready to send out.

Enjoy yourself: There will be bad days and you’ll likely have no control over when they come. Much of happiness is less about day after day of joy but more about responding to tough times in a positive way.

Stuck on Yellow, Ken Okel, Leadership book, productivity tips