Ken Okel, time management, convention speaker, Florida, Miami, Orlando, waiting in line, frustrationA common complaint I hear from people is that they don’t have enough time. I may have found some for you.

Go to almost any waiting room. I’ve been in lots whether its for car repairs, doctors, tax preparation, or renewing licenses. I see the same thing: Lots of people staring blankly ahead, doing nothing as they wait.

This cuts across age, sex, and socioeconomic lines. What they share in common is the knowledge that the service they are waiting for will involve a wait. It’s not a surprise. And yet, they do nothing to pass the time.

And no, they’re not meditating or deep in thought. Their brain is basically in standby mode.

I realize that this may seem a bit obvious but time should be treated as a resource. If you have a hunch that you’re going to be waiting, bring something to do. Read a book, balance your check book, or write some thank you notes. I’m sure you have some menial task that you can take care of while you wait.

Perhaps you shouldn’t think of it as filling your waiting room time but rather a chance to avoid doing something dull when you’re not waiting.

Ken Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami OrlandoKen Okel, blog, convention speaker, Clear the path, stress, change, Miami Orlando