a productivity secret, how do I motivate my employees, Ken Okel professional speaker in FloridaGo into a busy public building, like an airport, and you’ll likely learn a productivity secret. Inside the airport you’ll see people willingly sitting on the floor.

This happens even when there are perfectly good and empty chairs nearby. Why would people sit on a floor that is likely very dirty?

For them, there is a perceived value in having easy access to a wall plug, which allows them to charge their mobile devices. Free electricity, even when it means sitting on the floor, is worth pursuing.

A similar thing happens when a new mobile device is launched. While you’ll hear that people hate standing in line, on the first day when the new gadget is available, a huge line will form. For them, it’s worth the wait to be first.

These observations made me realize that productivity can be improved by following the principle of perceived value.

Link Productivity to a Goal

If a business needs to get more done, then dangle some kind of reward as a goal. Firms have done this for years with things like casual Fridays.

While many teams don’t get excited about having to chase a goal that involves more work, they love the idea of being able to wear jeans for a day. It’s like sitting on the floor, where the benefit is worth more than the discomfort.

The perk costs the business very little yet serves as flashing sign for achieving the goal.

Make it a Sexy Sacrifice

How many HR departments struggle to get employees to turn in new paperwork for things like healthcare plans? How much time is lost chasing the slow moving employees? Doesn’t your HR team have better things to do and what’s the cost of this chore? Why not take advantage of our productivity secret.

Invest some of the money you’d be wasting on chasing people on some sort of reward or perk for those who get the paperwork in early or on time. This could be for everyone but give it a sunset date, resulting in an element of urgency.

Either way, you will have to pay for completion of the paperwork. Why not reward those who complete the task well, instead of focusing resources on those who don’t believe it’s a priority.

Make the Outcome Visible

If you like gadgets, then it’s very important for you to have the latest one in your hand as soon as possible. Companies will indulge your hunger to be first with high profile events like midnight sales.

These events aren’t just put on for your benefit. They also drive publicity, which makes other people think they they need the device too.

What can you do to put those, who are hitting new benchmarks or are embracing new processes, in the spotlight? Early adaptors can motivate others.

Find ways to praise these people and have them to share their journey with others, helping to motivate those who are less comfortable with change.

Maybe it’s time to bring Ken Okel to your next meeting…

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