10 and 2, watch advertisements, personal growth and development, Ken Okel, Leadership and productivity expert in FloridaIf you’re looking for personal growth, then you should look at watch advertisements, which feature the 10 and 2 phenomenon. It turns out that time stands still, for the ads, as the hour hand is almost always pointed toward 10 and the minute hand is directed toward 2.

It?s part of a deliberate marketing program. Some watch companies like the configuration because it lets you see all the features on the watch?s face. Others say they like the upward direction of the hands. And a few admit that the 10 and 2 position implies a smile.

It?s one of those things you?ve never noticed but once you are aware of it, you?ll never miss it again.

The watch people know that 10 and 2 best represents their product to the world.

What if you could have your own, personal growth 10 and 2 philosophy? That got me to thinking that you probably need to ask yourself some important questions in order to maximize how the world sees you:


  • Do you appear professional? Are you the person who looks like they just rolled out of bed or do you wear clothes that positively represent your brand? Does this extend to a trip to the supermarket, where you might randomly bump into an important person?
  • Are you comfortable with your weight?
  • Do you stand up straight or are you hunched over?


  • Are you getting enough sleep? Is the first thing you think of, when you wake up, a complaint?
  • If it were possible, would you trade attitudes with someone else? If so, who would get the better deal? Is it because you?ve burdened your mind with lots of mental baggage?
  • Are you feeding your mind new ideas or learning a new skill?

Are You in the Moment?

  • Do you greet the world with a smile or a look of confusion?
  • When you talk to someone, are you focused on them or are you elsewhere?
  • Would you want to speak to you? If so, what would you want to talk about? Are you talking to other people about this topic?

Bottom Line

10 and 2 works for the watch companies. Perhaps, a similar philosophy can help you maximize your personal brand, whether it?s in seconds, minutes, or hours.

Stuck on Yellow, Book by Ken Okel, 26 Leadership tips, boost your productivity at work